1.Enhancing Wound Healing With Sprayable Hydrogel Releasing Multi Metallic Ions: Inspired by the Body's Endogenous Healing Mechanism. Advance Healthcare Material,2024,

2. Synthesis of mannose conjugated biodegradable polyester-based nanocarriers and their binding study with Concanavalin A.Polymer,2024,

3. Bridging biomimetic and bioenergetics scaffold: Cellulose-graphene oxide-arginine functionalized aerogel for stem cell-mediated cartilage repair.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,2024

4. Development of Quercetin-loaded polyvinyl-alcohol/gelatin nanofibrous coating over Ti6Al4V bone implant with improved antibacterial and bioactive characteristics.Journal of Materials Science,2024,

5.Green chemistry routed sugar press mud for (2D) ZnO nanostructure fabrication, mineral fortification, and climate-resilient wheat crop productivity. .Scientific Reports,2024

6. Madison R Pickett, Yuan-I Chen, Mohini Kamra, Sachin Kumar, Nikhith Kalkunte, Gabriella P Sugerman, Kelsey Varodom, Manuel K Rausch, Janet Zoldan, Hsin-Chin Yeh, Sapun H Parekh, Assessing the impact of extracellular matrix fiber orientation on breast cancer cellular metabolism.Cancer Cell International,2024

1. Chinmay Gupta, Sudip Kumar Pattanayek, Biswarup Mukherjee, Sachin Kumar, Multilayer Label Free Non-Faradic Electrochemical Impedance Immunosensor for Cortisol Detection." IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023,

2. Shivani Chaudhary, Doyel Ghosal, Pravesh Tripathi, Sachin Kumar, “Cellular metabolism: a link connecting cellular behaviour with the physiochemical properties of biomaterials for bone tissue engineering”. Biomaterials Science, 2023

1. Sachin Kumar, Yujen Wang, Mohammadhasan Hedayati, Frederik Fleissner, Manuel K. Rausch, and Sapun H. Parekh. "Structural control of fibrin bioactivity by mechanical deformation." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022, 119, e2117675119.

2. Maneesha Tewari, Puneet Pareek, and Sachin Kumar, "Correlating Amino Acid Interaction with Graphene-Based Materials Regulating Cell Function." Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, 2022, 1-13 (Invited Review).

3. Alexandra Paul, Sachin Kumar, Tamer S. Kaoud, Madison R. Pickett, Amanda L. Bohanon, Janet Zoldan, Kevin N. Dalby, and Sapun H. Parekh. "Biomechanical dependence of SARS-CoV-2 infections." ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2022, 5, 2307–2315.

1. Cody O. Crosby, Alex Hillsley, Sachin Kumar, Brett Stern, Sapun H. Parekh, Adrianne Rosales, and Janet Zoldan. "Phototunable interpenetrating polymer network hydrogels to stimulate the vasculogenesis of stem cell-derived endothelial progenitors." Acta Biomaterialia, 2021, 122, 133-144.

2. Yujen Wang, Sachin Kumar, Arsalan Nisar, Mischa Bonn, Manuel K. Rausch, and Sapun H. Parekh. "Probing fibrin's molecular response to shear and tensile deformation with coherent Raman microscopy." Acta Biomaterialia, 2021,121: 383-392.

3. Sachin Kumar, Alexandra Paul, Sayantan Chatterjee, Sabine Pütz, Natasha Nehra, Daniel S. Wang, Arsalan Nisar, Christian M. Jennings, and Sapun H. Parekh. "Effect of ambient temperature on respiratory tract cells exposed to SARS-CoV-2 viral mimicking nanospheres—An experimental study." Biointerphases, 2021,16.1: 011006.

4. Sachin Kumar, and Sapun H. Parekh. "Molecular control of interfacial fibronectin structure on graphene oxide steers cell fate." ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 2: 2346-2359.

1. Frederik Fleissner, Sachin Kumar, Noreen Klein, Daniel Wirth, Ravi Dhiman, Dirk Schneider, Mischa Bonn, and Sapun H. Parekh. "Tension Causes Unfolding of Intracellular Vimentin Intermediate Filaments." Advanced Biosystems, 2020, 4, 2000111.

2. Samet H. Varol, Anchit Srivastava, Sachin Kumar, Mischa Bonn, Fanlong Meng, and Sapun H. Parekh. "Bridging chains mediate nonlinear mechanics of polymer nanocomposites under cyclic deformation." Polymer, 2020, 200: 122529.

3. Sachin Kumar, Yujen Wang, and Sapun H. Parekh. "Molecular structure of fibrin direct platelet response under mechanical stimuli." Biophysical Journal 2020,118, 3: 605a. (Conference Proceedings)

4. Sachin Kumar, and Sapun H. Parekh. "Linking graphene-based material physicochemical properties with molecular adsorption, structure and cell fate." Communications Chemistry 2020,3, 1: 1-11.

5. Xiaomin Liu, Shih-Ya Chen, Qiang Chen, Xuelin Yao, Márton Gelléri, Sandra Ritz, Sachin Kumar et al. "Nanographenes: Ultrastable, Switchable, and Bright Probes for Super‐Resolution Microscopy.", Angewandte Chemie International Editio, 2020, 59, 1: 496-502.

1. Alexandra Paul, Yujen Wang, Cecilia Brännmark, Sachin Kumar, Mischa Bonn, and Sapun H. Parekh. "Quantitative mapping of triacylglycerol chain length and saturation using broadband CARS microscopy." Biophysical journal, 2019, 116, 12: 2346-2355.

2. Cody O. Crosby, Deepti Valliappan, David Shu, Sachin Kumar, Chengyi Tu, Wei Deng, Sapun H. Parekh, and Janet Zoldan. "Quantifying the vasculogenic potential of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial progenitors in collagen hydrogels." Tissue Engineering Part A, 2019,25, 9-10: 746-758.

1. Zahra Rastian, Sabine Pütz, YuJen Wang, Sachin Kumar, Frederik Fleissner, Tobias Weidner, and Sapun H. Parekh. "Type I collagen from jellyfish catostylus mosaicus for biomaterial applications." ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2018, 4, 6: 2115-2125.

1. L. R. Jaidev, Sachin Kumar, and Kaushik Chatterjee. "Multi-biofunctional polymer graphene composite for bone tissue regeneration that elutes copper ions to impart angiogenic, osteogenic and bactericidal properties." Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2017,159: 293-302.

1. Shital Patangrao Pawar, Sachin Kumar, Shubham Jain, Mounika Gandi, Kaushik Chatterjee, and Suryasarathi Bose. "Synergistic interactions between silver decorated graphene and carbon nanotubes yield flexible composites to attenuate electromagnetic radiation." Nanotechnology, 2016, 28, 2: 025201.

2. Sai Rama Krishna Meka, Sachin Kumar, and Kaushik Chatterjee. "Nanofibrous scaffolds for the regeneration of bone tissue." Biomaterials and Nanotechnology for Tissue Engineering (2016): 53-92. (Book Chapter)

3. Sachin Kumar, Shammy Raj, Shubham Jain, and Kaushik Chatterjee. "Multifunctional biodegradable polymer nanocomposite incorporating graphene-silver hybrid for biomedical applications." Materials & Design, 2016, 108: 319-332.

4. Sachin Kumar, and Kaushik Chatterjee. "Comprehensive review on the use of graphene-based substrates for regenerative medicine and biomedical devices." ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2016, 8, 40: 26431-26457.

5. Shammy Raj, Sachin Kumar, and Kaushik Chatterjee. "Facile synthesis of vanadia nanoparticles and assessment of antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity." Materials Technology, 2016,31,10:562-573.

6. Sachin Kumar, Dilkash Azam, Shammy Raj, Elayaraja Kolanthai, K. S. Vasu, A. K. Sood, and Kaushik Chatterjee. "3D scaffold alters cellular response to graphene in a polymer composite for orthopedic applications." Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterial, 2016, 104, 4: 732-749.

7. Mural, Prasanna Kumar S., Shubham Jain, Sachin Kumar, Giridhar Madras, and Suryasarathi Bose. "Unimpeded permeation of water through biocidal graphene oxide sheets anchored on to 3D porous polyolefinic membranes." Nanoscale 2016,8,15: 8048-8057.

8. Sachin Kumar, Shammy Raj, Kishor Sarkar, and Kaushik Chatterjee. "Engineering a multi-biofunctional composite using poly (ethylenimine) decorated graphene oxide for bone tissue regeneration." Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 12: 6820-6836.

1. Sachin Kumar, Shammy Raj, Elayaraja Kolanthai, A. K. Sood, S. Sampath, and Kaushik Chatterjee. "Chemical functionalization of graphene to augment stem cell osteogenesis and inhibit biofilm formation on polymer composites for orthopedic applications." ACS applied materials & interfaces 2015,7, 5: 3237-3252.

2. Shital Patangrao Pawar, Sachin Kumar, Anupam Misra, Subrajeet Deshmukh, Kaushik Chatterjee, and Suryasarathi Bose. "Enzymatically degradable EMI shielding materials derived from PCL based nanocomposites." RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 23: 17716-17725.

3. Sachin Kumar, and Kaushik Chatterjee. "Strontium eluting graphene hybrid nanoparticles augment osteogenesis in a 3D tissue scaffold." Nanoscale, 2015,7, 5: 2023-2033.

1. Sachin Kumar, Anupam Mishra, and Kaushik Chatterjee. "Effect of organically modified clay on mechanical properties, cytotoxicity and bactericidal properties of poly (ϵ-caprolactone) nanocomposites." Materials Research Express 2014,1,4 : 045302.

2. Sachin Kumar, Suryasarathi Bose, and Kaushik Chatterjee. "Amine-functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes impart osteoinductive and bactericidal properties in poly (ε-caprolactone) composites." RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 37:19086-19098.

3. Sachin Kumar, Shital Patangrao Pawar, Kaushik Chatterjee, and Suryasarathi Bose. "Antimicrobial and conducting polymer substrate derived from hybrid structures of silver nanoparticles and multiwall carbon nanotubes." Materials Technology 2014,29, sup1: B59-B63.